Sunday 28 September 2014

The best holidays ever

Hello classmates! today I'm going to talk to you about the best holidays that I ever had, and I think that it is very difficult to choose just one particular event between all the nice things that happen when its summertime (or winter) and we are free to do whatever we want! But well, for this time I'll choose a summer memory: The time I met the desert, It was the summer of 2013 and I decided to go with two friends to the marvelous town of San Pedro de Atacama, so we grabbed our bags and traveled for many hours until we arrived to the magical nothingness of the desert, we visited the geysers, the salty lagoon, the moon valley and a lot of beautiful places that were stunning, and extremely different from the concept of "nature" and "beauty" that we had before going there, wich was much more like seeing trees, flowers and animals everywhere, you know, the beauty that we find in the center and south of Chile. This was the immensity of the earth in its purest expression, hundrends of kilometres of land, sometimes it was like walking on Mars. We spent just one week there, because the week after that we left San Pedro to set off on our trip to the south of Bolivia, wich is another great story haha. Our stay in San Pedro was great, we met a lot of beautiful people and learned a bit more about this strange combination of landscapes that define what is this land that we call Chile.


  1. San Pedro de Atacame is one of the places that I want visit in the future!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. what a beauty, the only desert I've went is the dunes of Concon ehehhe

  4. Great description Francisca. Good use and choice of words..

    The only thing you should pay attention to is punctuation. Your sentences are only connected by commas, no use of stops or connectors.

    Consider that written English is different from oral English.

    2 pts
