Friday 5 September 2014


Hi people! I'm Francisca and today we're all writing about exotic places that we want to meet someday. In my case, this place is Iceland, maybe cause a lot of music bands that I like are from this country, and I have known some of their visual world and culture. This is a country that takes care of their traditions and beliefs, very rich in spiritual and mithical traditions. And the landscapes are stunning, the people who live in this country are lucky to have geysers, volcanos and a lot of vegetation in the same place. I would love to walk around the icelandic landscapes, and talk to the residents of the most faraway places in the frozen country.
I would even like to live there for a while, a few years maybe, a little house in a meadow, 
Well, I always think that you should live in a lot of different places before you die, so you'll end up having many "homes" to embrace in your memories. 


  1. In my blog I also mentioned that I would like to know Iceland!
    there must be wonderful...

    I see you!

  2. Oh! Iceland is so beautiful! i have a friend who travel to Europe and she visited Iceland.... I hate her a little bit.

    I hope you can do this travel, goodbye!

  3. Hi Francisca!
    I thought you would talk about Transilvania, but well ...
    Iceland is not bad jjajaja
    It`s a beautiful place with a beautiful music
    Good luck with Mr. Saimon jiji
    see you (:

  4. Wonderful job, Francisca. Great vocabulary. After your piece, I´ll consider traveling to Iceland!

    2 pts
